Jevgenij Vrublevskij
Kyiv State Choreographic Conservatory
1990–1993 – National Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Kyiv
Romeo & Juliette (music S. Prokofiev, choreo. A. Shekero), roles: Romeo, Paris
Nutcracker (music P. I. Tschaikovski, choreo. V. Koftun), role: The princ
Francesca de Rimini (music P. I. Tschaikovski, choreo. V. Koftun), role: Paolo; and more...
1993–1994 – National Theatre in Prague – soloist ballet dancer
Sleeping Beauty (music P. I. Tschaikovski, choreo. M. Petipa), role: The princ
Cinderella (music S. Prokofief, choreo. V. Jilek), role: The princ
1994–1998 – Municipal Theatre in Usti nad Labem – first soloist ballet dancer
Requiem (music J. Verdi, choreo. O. Soth), role: The death
Leading parts in ballets Don Quijote, Gizelle, Nutcracker and more...
1998–2010 – Laterna Magika multimedia theatre – first soloist ballet dancer
Leading parts in ballets Odysseus, Argonauts, Casanova, Enchanted Circus, The Trap, Rendez-Vous, Grafitti and more.... Took a leading part in approximately 1 500 performances.
During that time he also took a part in multimedial projects of Jean-Pierre Aviotte in France.
Perfomances abroad:
Carmina Burana, world tour
National Theatre Kyiv – North America tour, Asia (middle-asia and wester-asia) and Japan tour
Many Europe tours with the National Theatre Kyiv, the National Theatre Prague and the Municipal Theatre Usti nad Labem
Hosted as a leading soloist in:
State Opera in Prague, National Theatre in Brno, Municipal Theatre of J. K. Tyl in Pilsen, Czech Republic; National Theatre in Bratislava and National Theatre in Kosice, Slovakia.
TV and film career:
2008 – film Anglicke Jahody (English Strawberries), role of the soldier-reporter
2009 – TV series Expozitura (Organised Crime Unit)
2009 – TV-film Alena,
2020 – film Mstitel (the Avenger), role of the cosmonaut Zhukov